A payday loan seemed like a really good idea at the time…
They can seem like a lifesaver if you need cash quickly, but the high fees and short payment terms can lead to a cycle of debt. If you're looking to escape the cycle, we may be able to help!
Our Cash & CarrySM Loan is designed for members who are looking to break the cycle of payday loans. Stop paying those excessive payday loan rates! Instead get up to $1,000.00 from FedChoice quickly and reasonably. We can get you the cash you need for as little as $10.00.
- Choose how much you need: $500.00 or $1000.00.+
- Pay your application fee - $10.00 per $500.00 borrowed (maximum fee is $20.00).-
- Pay over 60 days, payments are scheduled to coincide with your paychecks!#
- Have been a member for six months in good standing.~
- Have direct deposit to FedChoice for three months (from the same employer).^
Stop by your local Financial Service Center to submit your application and break the cycle today!
Add Debt Protection
Don’t let an unexpected change put your family’s finances at risk. Debt Protection covers your monthly loan payments in the event of death, disability or involuntary unemployment. Add this low-cost coverage to your FedChoice Personal Loan today! Click here for all of the details.
+This loan is available only in the amounts of $500.00 or $1000.00 and must be repaid within 60 days. -This loan carries an application fee rather than an interest rate. There is no credit report run for this loan and member will be charged the application fee at the time of application.
#Payments take place over 60 days and payments match a member's direct deposit and automated payment. A member who receives weekly payments will have eight payments, a member with bi-weekly payments will have four payments and a member with monthly payments will have two payments.
~Must be a member in good standing with FedChoice Federal Credit Union for at least six months. Member in good standing means that you have not caused a loss for FedChoice at any point and your accounts are currently positive.
^Member will be required to provide the most recent paystub to allow FedChoice to verify the amount being shown via direct deposit into their account. Direct deposit amount must be enough to cover the loan payment. Member may only have one Cash & Carry loan taken out at any point. This loan requires automatic payments. Application for this loan must be done in person at a Financial Service Center.