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It's Who We Serve That Matters

FedChoice Federal Credit Union is home to almost 25,000 members who look to us for their day-to-day financial needs, future prosperity and retirement security. We serve federal civilian employees, their families, and household members, and help them navigate the ups and downs of government paychecks and benefits. We share the vision, values and ideals of our members.

A bit about us-- let's start in 1935. That’s when about two dozen IRS employees decided to start a credit union to serve their fellow employees at the Main IRS Building by offering savings accounts and personal loans (in the midst of the Great Depression, too). Then, after 70 years as IR Federal Credit Union, things started changing quickly in 2005.

We became FedChoice Federal Credit Union and invited all federal government civilian employees and contractors as well as their family and household members to become a member. And that includes retirees, annuitants and pensioners. And their families, too! 

Today, the Board of Directors serve and are elected by the members of the credit union. The board is responsible for duties such as credit union policy, planning, finance and service delivery. Board members serve on a voluntary basis and receive no compensation for the time they spend working on behalf of the membership of the credit union.

Our current FedChoice Board of Directors include:

  • Arthur Altman - Chairman
  • Brad Buckles - Vice Chairman
  • David E. Bunch Jr. - Treasurer
  • Karen A. Sandor - Secretary
  • Brenda H. Jackson - Director
  • Michael McCrea - Director
  • Vivian Michalic – Director

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